About your Sozo Appointment: Thank you for your interest in receiving Sozo ministry through Women of Destiny. Sozo is a process of inner healing and deliverance, which is done by a team of 2-3 people, and lasts up to 3 hours. It is done by volunteer lay people, and is not a counseling session or time of prophecy or intercession. It is an individual appointment, not for couples or families together, and spouses or family members should not plan to be present during the appointment.
Sozo is a Greek term that means, “saved, healed and delivered”. Our goal is to help you hear and sense God, to get to any root problems, such as internalized lies and vows that are keeping you from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and presence in your life. Every sozo we do is unique and one-of-a-kind, because each of you is on a unique journey with Him unlike anyone else!
In a sozo, we do not need or want to hear your whole story. Our goal is to connect you with God and facilitate helping you hear God for yourself; where He wants to lead and do to bring healing about. He is incredibly creative and will treat you as your own unique person as He reveals the truth He wants you to understand.
Inner healing refers to the focus on seeking to remove the root problem, and replacing lies with truth, and deliverance refers to removing any demonic attachment that was allowed in because of the root problem. We do not speak to demons, or focus on them during a sozo. If deliverance takes place it is generally quiet and as a consequence of you, the sozoee, renouncing lies or vows and hence removing the permission that was unknowingly given to demonic entities.
We will treat you with honor and confidentiality. We also want you to know that we rarely get very surprised, so if you think what you have gone through would be too shocking or bizarre, that probably is not the case!
Regarding scheduling your appointment: When you are contacted regarding your sozo appointment, there will be two attempts made to contact you. If we do not hear back from you after the second attempt, we will assume you are no longer interested in receiving sozo ministry from us. We’ve had to initiate this policy due to the long waiting list. If you were unable to respond due to unforeseen circumstances, please get back to us as soon as possible and we will make every effort to schedule you as soon as possible.
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